Now that the holidays and the cookbook shoot have wound down, I’m able to properly sit down with my head on straight and give you a long-awaited update on the homestead. I intended to do it sooner, I just severely underestimated how much time...
Here's A Little Something...
Well hello again. This year has been off to a good-but-busy start, I got hired to shoot a cookbook last month and that’s what I spent most of January doing. It’s been a really fun project, but now that it’s winding down I’m able...
Things have been very busy around these parts. We’re about 3/4 of the way unpacked from the move, and I finally finished painting my studio (hurray!!) so I was able to move all my ceramics + cabinets + photography equipment in there and get...
As winter approaches, so does the inevitable drying of the skin. My knuckles are already getting scratchy, which is my indicator that it’s time to brew up a big batch of homemade body oil. I’ve been making my own body oil for two years...
I’m writing from the dining table of our cozy new home. Reader, I can hardly believe that we are here. After many ups and downs, it feels like a miracle that the house is built and real and a place that I can sit...
I’m writing with good news and hazelnut chocolate cake (which means the news is extra good). On Wednesday my mom and I went out for coffee, and while we were waiting and chomping down on a scone, I got a text from our realtor...
I’m writing this from my childhood bedroom in my parents’ house. We’ve moved in with my folks for a few weeks to lighten the load of keeping the Portland house perfect for showings until the homestead is ready to move into. It’s been really...
Building a house is crazy. It feels like some parts take sooooo long, and weeks go by and the visual change is incremental. And then some aspects happen very quickly and all in a row, and then everything looks totally different and very very...
This morning I thoroughly watered the garden in preparation for yet another mini-heat wave. Yes, late summer is upon us. And with it, many 90+ degree days. It seems like the season is trying to squeeze every last drop of heat into our lives....
I’m bringing this cherry almond bundt cake to you from Missoula, Montana where we’re visiting Jeremy’s parents for the week. It’s been really wonderful to see them again after almost a year, and to spend a bit of time each day enjoying our favorite...
Summer makes me lazy. So when it’s too hot to turn the oven on, I love a good and quick pasta for dinner. Sure, there’s a brief period spent in front of the steamy stovetop when the pasta is boiling, but it’s short, and...
My first dahlia bloom unfurled this month, which means that summer is here in all her vibrant, cheerful glory. The explosion of flowers and veggies in the garden is well worth the constant wiping of sweat from my brow that comes with any visit...