Pudding + Custard
Since I’ve been home in Oregon I’ve been in complete awe of the beauties of spring. All the plants are sprouting back up again and the plentiful tulips and irises are just stunning. Even though it is still quite cold here, I decided to...
chocolate, cocoa, peanut, flour, truffles
.   I was walking around the aisles of Trader Joe’s the other day and stumbled upon something I hadn’t noticed before. It was peanut flour, in a fun little orange package. I peeked around the bag and decided to bring it home to...
It is that time of year again. Flowers start blooming, the grass turns greener, and eggs get boiled and dyed to celebrate the wonderful holiday that is Easter. My family is Greek, so Easter has always been a fun and huge celebration, with tons...
I have been trying to eat healthier again this past week, particularly after enjoying the delightful Dulce de Bacon Milkshake of my last post. After trying and failing, I came to the realization that I eat a lot of carbohydrates, and not the good...
      Okay, so I know what you’re probably thinking. Bacon? In a milkshake? Whaaaa? But trust me on this, it works out incredibly well. Seriously, like, addicting well. To explain, I made this milkshake for a recipe contest that required bacon as...
Yesterday I went on a little walk over to the local Mexican grocery store, Palms Super Market, just to look around. They always have a lot of fresh exotic produce and I enjoy spending close to an hour walking about the store, looking at...